Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Carling, Gill & Carling Ltd 1937

The Companies Act, 1929.
Special Resolutions passed 3ist March, 1937.

AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, duly convened, and held at 59 and 60 High Street,. Guildford, Surrey, on 3ist March 1937, the following Resolutions were passed as Special Resolutions: —

(1) " That it is desirable to reconstruct the Company and accordingly that the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that Mr. A. B. Keith, of Kennans House, Crown Court, Cheapside, London, E.G.2., Chartered Accountant, be hereby appointed Liquidator,for the purpose of such winding-up."

(2) " That the said Liquidator be hereby authorised to consent to the registration of a new Company to be called Carling Gill and Carling Limited with a Memorandum and Articles of Association which have already been prepared with the privity and the approval of this Company."

(3) " Tshat, the draft Agreement submitted to this Meeting and expressed to be made between this Company and its Liquidator of the one part and Carling Gill and Carling Limited of the other part be hereby approved and that the said Liquidator be hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with such new Company when incorporated in the terms of the said draft and to carry the same into effect with such (if any) modifications as they may think expedient."

Dated this 3ist day of March 1937.
(099) W. T CARLING, Chairman.

Source - The London Gazette 2nd April 1937